The Power of sound with Tom Kenyon
1 Season . 4 Episodes TV-PG

Listen to the extended sound healing sessions and in-depth teaching sessions by Tom Kenyon, from the movie Song of the New Earth.

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The Power of sound with Tom Kenyon (Preview)

Listen to the extended sound healing sessions and in-depth teaching sessions by Tom Kenyon, from the movie Song of the New Earth.Tom Kenyon is a composer, teacher, musician, singer, author, psychotherapist, brain scientist and certainly one of the most respected sound healers and alchemical teachers in the world today. His almost four-octave voice is stunning, and it transforms consciousness through his mastery, artistry, and genius.

Host: Tom Kenyon
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
17 mins TV-PG
Join Tom Kenyon, for a sound meditation that will take you on a journey through the stars.
33 mins TV-PG
Join Tom Kenyon, as he tells the story of the Egyptian Goddess Nut and guides you through a mystical sound meditation to match.
5 mins TV-PG
Join Tom Kenyon, as he walks through the concept of the alchemical perspective on the 23rd Psalm, followed by a sound meditation.
7 mins TV-PG
Join Tom for the story of the man upstairs.